Matthias Krieger
About me:
I work as a Physical Therapist and personal assistant with children and adults with special needs and other neurological difficulties/ diagnosis for 16 years now. Since 2008 a big deal of my work has been biofeedback. In 2018 my own therapy concept (FMT) had been finished.
The idea of the neuroplasticity of the brain (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroplasticity) caught my attention and I started learning more about it. Working in the field of neurological rehabilitation for a long period of time I learned that some ingredients are necessary to resume a physical ability that is missing.
- the right motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic)
- functional therapy approach
- a tailor-made therapy plan (with elements of various therapeutic approaches)
- and of course, fun!!!
Over the years I worked with a lot of children with different backgrounds and nationalities. Besides motoric problems, I enjoyed working with children dealing with Down-Syndrome, Autism, ADHD- kids and other kinds with diagnosis.
In 2004 I started working with dolphins on Curaçao at the CDTC (Curacao Dolphin Therapy Research and Center). Meanwhile I worked with all kinds of animals and witnessed the strong influence of animals on humans. This experience convinced me that the AAT (animal assisted therapy) will be a big part of the concept FMT.
My work as a physical therapist had been crossed with Biofeedback in 2004 and in 2008. I participated in a further education to become therapist focusing on Biofeedback. When I combined physical therapy with EMG therapy, a lot of innovative possibilities became apparent to me. EMG (Electromyography) is a modern-day technique used for checking the electrical activity that skeletal muscles have. This technique is very productive for analyzing the strength of a physical activity.
After working with the BBFM for more than ten years I started my own company in 2018:
FMT- Functional Myofeedback Therapy